1. Language of Papers:

  • Slovak,
  • Czech,
  • English,
  • German,
  • Russian,
  • French,
  • Spanish,
  • Italian.


2. Abstracts and Keywords:

The abstract and key words MUST be written in English and in the language of the paper.

Length: max. 8 lines in the template.


3. Thematic focus of the manuscript:

The author is responsible for complying with the thematic focus of his/her paper.


Language, Communication, Culture

The section deals particularly with:

  • Linguistic phenomena from both synchronic and diachronic perspective,
  • Comparative linguistics,
  • Theory of communication and intercultural communication,

  • History and culture of language areas.


Didactis and Methodology of Language Education

The section deals particularly with:

    • Language didactics,
    • Methodology of language education,
    • Teaching styles and strategies in language education,
    • Testology within the framework of CEFR for languages.



The section deals particularly with:

  • Theory and practice of translation and interpretation,
  • Translation and interpretation of general and literary texts from and into Slovak language,

  • Translation and interpretation of texts for specific purposes from and into Slovak language.


Author's and Readers' opinions

This section is dedicated to discussions about published papers or other issues relevant for the journal’s content.


News and Reviews

The section deals with:

  • News about scientific events and other supporting scientific and research activities of the Faculty of Applied Languages and the University of Economics in Bratislava
  • Reviews of scientific treatises, scholarly papers, project publications and monographs written at the faculty or other universities in Slovakia or abroad.


4. The Length of the Paper

Scientific Paper (Study) (8 to 10 pages) – scientific genre

A broad, systematic and detailed explanation of one, usually narrowly-specified topic. Importance is placed on complete and multilateral elaboration. The author explores, critically reviews, and synthetises all the existing information on the subject. He/she provides new and original findings, resulting from the author’s own research and presents conclusions.


Scholarly Paper (4 to 5 pages) – popular science genre

Detailed and well-arranged explanation of a chosen topic in a wider context. The author defines, analyses, compares and applies concepts within the chosen context.


Report (1,5 to 3 pages) – closely related to an expert assessment

It is an evaluation of a completed and published work, a text connecting an unknown manuscript with a potentially interested reader. The reader of the review looks for the content of the work and for an expert’s opinion.

  • 1st part of the review – a brief information about the whole manuscript (informative),
  • 2nd part of the review – a factual and objective opinion about the reviewed text,
  • 3rd part of the review – evaluation.


Report (1 to 3 pages) – detailed information about scientific events and supporting scientific and research activities

The aims, goals, results and benefits of the event or activity for science and research should be mentioned.


5. Introduction, Main Body and the Conclusion of the Paper:

The paper has to contain an introduction, a main body and a conclusion. The introduction clearly defines the aims and goals of the paper, while in the conclusion, the author draws and proposes his/her own conclusions about the chosen topic.


6. Citations and Quotation within the Text:

We kindly ask the authors to comply thoroughly with the form of quotation:

„Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text“ (Sabol, 2010, p. 58).


7. While writing, please, observe in particular

  • Use Ms Word 1997 or higher version editor.
  • Do not change the template, margin or spacing.
  • Use only TIMES NEW ROMAN, 10pt font.
  • Space – single.
  • Alignment – left aligned.
  • Do not use any special styles (only formatting – bold, underlined, italics, subscript, superscript).
  • Do not use space or tabulator to begin a paragraph.
  • Avoid double spaces between words.
  • Do not use double spaces (2x enter) between paragraphs or between title and text. All is set in the
  • template.
  • Use special symbols sparingly, only if they are unavoidable.
  • Do not use graphic ornaments in headings and like.
  • Place pictures into the text in jpeg. format with at least 150 dpi resolution.
  • Tables in the text should be labelled Table 1Heading of the table (above the table). Tables are
  • recommended for more efficient presentation of results (compared to pictures), the same data presented in both table and graph can be accepted only exceptionally (the choice of representation is reserved for the editors).
  • Please label the graphs and pictures in the text as Figure 1 Title of the image (below the image). Identify the source of borrowed pictures. Use pictures sparingly.
  • Never use footnotes.
  • Do not use: d i s j o i n e d letters, word division or two-column texts.
  • Distinguish between the letter O and the numeral 0, as well as between letter l and numeral 1
  • Do not assign a style to paragraphs and do not insert line breaks, page or section breaks.
  • Authors may use abbreviations for often appearing terms – they must be explained with their first
  • use in the text, e.g. University of Economics in Bratislava (UE in BA).